Saturday, October 30, 2010


1. L1-2 Practice
2. L3 activities

回家作業 Homework
1. L 3 vocabulary 生字練習
2. Handout
3. Address
4. Prepare for music performance

Wednesday, October 27, 2010


(substituted by Ms. Sherry Wu)

Mid-term exam

Activity: 感恩的心
Story and song

感謝狀(for download)

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Sunday, October 10, 2010

漢字的藝術 The Art of Chinese Characters (人體篇)



1. L2 Story
2. L1 造句練習 sentence-making practice
3. Quiz L2 Vocabulary
4. 成語「虎頭蛇尾」
5. 象形文字

1. Workbook pp31-36
2. Handout (my favorite website)

Monday, October 4, 2010

第二課生字練習 Lesson 2 Vocabulary

You can 'copy and paste' the following words into the blank here and then press search to watch the stroke order animation.

腦 利 查 資 郵 討 按
鍵 昨 盤 驚 軟 拼 技
版 社 研 究 遍 相 費

Printable version


1. 造句練習 sentence-making practice
2. L2 new phrases
3. movie (Pushing Hands)
4. 成語「如虎添羽翼」

1. Workbook pp 20-25
2. A Letter to grandparents
3. Quiz on L2 new phrases

Regarding the `letter to grandparents':
Write a letter to your grandparents about

(1) your school life (what classes you have and what classes you like/dislike etc.);

(2) your use of the computer (what you do with the computer and which websites you visit most often etc); ask your grandparents if they also use a computer.